General FAQ

Composite illustration of Delivering Community Power for General FAQ

Canada Post is a revenue-generating institution with a proven track record so we are confident in our ability to invest in these changes.

Many of the services we’re proposing, like postal banking, remain relatively inexpensive to implement yet generate profits which will help pay for other programs. Eventually, many new services will become profitable.

Job security and addressing climate change are not partisan issues. All Canadians stand to benefit from this vision. We're currently lobbying the existing government, as well as members of the opposition.

We aren't affiliated or working with any parties and believe the ideas should be favourable for any party that cares about serving their constituents

In the spirit of real reconciliation, we believe Indigenous peoples have a right to reshape Canada Post and help determine its future role in their communities.

Many Indigenous communities still lack access to key resources that settler Canadians rely on in their communities such as affordable internet and access to banking without discrimination. Canada Post already has a vast infrastructure that reaches many Indigenous communities, and where it doesn’t, the service could be expanded.

We can reimagine Canada Post to provide services to Indigenous communities in a way that is just, collaborative, and honours Indigenous rights.

Municipal and provincial officials can show their support for expanded Canada Post services, helping create non-partisan and far-reaching support for expanded services for all Canadians and a “greener” Canada Post that will help make seismic changes to the job industry. You can help by talking to your local elected officials about these ideas.